Facebook – Advertising or just a social trend?

We all know the giant social network Facebook whether we use it for business, to connect with friends or for both. I will go straight to the point and ask what’s the purpose of Facebook in today’s world?
Today’s biggest questions from the professional industry are:

Is it worth using Facebook advertising?
Is it worth using Facebook for our business?
Does it really work?

I didn’t ask my friends how Facebook works for them as we certainly do not have the same knowledge of Facebook or usage but what I keep asking myself is:

Why do I receive warnings from Facebook for sending my links to MY contacts?
Why only a small fraction of my friends can see my published information?
Do they have to like my information for it to appear in their news feed?
Would that mean because they did not like my post they were not interested in it?
How about Facebook Lurkers? Endless questions…


If you’ve heard of EgdeRank, Facebook algorithm, its should be pretty easy to answer the questions above which brings me to Why EgdeRank now? Do we all have to do like Google?

I believe EgdeRank is one of the reasons why Facebook advertising is not effective along with the fact that the community doesn’t still associate social media and advertising.

I tried several campaigns using Facebook advertising and with such a low CTR (click-through rate), no wonder many companies are cancelling their campaigns or are sceptic about using it. Google would certainly have found a solution to that by now (just being pushy 🙂 ).

By trying or imposing too much control on how the community is supposed to be at such an early stage is some how backfiring on Facebook, in my opinion. I grow frustrated when my closest friends won’t even see something that I posted. I thought the answer to that was posting often at different intervals.

But if you put in practice Facebook EdgeRank, its kinda contradictory cause if your friends never interact with your posts well I guess you might be posting a million times they will just never see it, just saying…

Hashtag is becoming operational on Facebook just like you will do with Twitter. Maybe the solution to more accuracy is there but then again it’s for the community to be fully be aware of it and use it effectively but we’ll leave this for another post probably.


Fashion changes frequently does that mean we should all go for the new trend? It will work for some of us according to the age, perception, belief, entourage, mentality, situation and many more. Social media are not any different. Peak the one that suits you best and don’t be afraid to drop the one that will give you more headache than ROI. Don’t be a follower, be a leader. Learn, analyse and take a decision.

I recently started to think about turning my attention to having a website, apply the required strategies needed to help it get to another level and support it with social media from time to time. Now from this post you can draw your conclusions on using Facebook advertising or not but think about EdgeRank, the meaning of a social network, it’s advantages and disadvantages.

I guess we’re all part of a blogging community so please do not hesitate to share your views but above all what your experience is with using Facebook and Facebook advertising.

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